Woman's Home Companion 1: 1931-34

Teague’s first illustration for Woman’s Home Companion ran in 1931.  Part of the Crowell-Collier magazine suite, WHC was a monthly with relatively high production values.  During his career Teague illustrated 34 stories for WHC – far less than for Collier’s Weekly (162), and less than for The American (56).  Below is a representative sample of Teague’s work for WHC during 1931-34.  Story text has been omitted for a cleaner presentation.

Just All In Knowing How, Woman's Home Companion, March 1931. pages 1-2
Riding High, Woman's Home Companion, Oct. 1931
Hungarian Rhapsody, Woman's Home Companion, April 1933
Under the Velvet Umbrella, Woman's Home Companion, May 1933. pages 1-2
Under the Velvet Umbrella, detail
Hi, Sailor! Woman's Home Companion, April 1934. pages 1-2
Hi, Sailor! - detail
Hi, Sailor! - detail