In 1955, Teague illustrated the serialized version of Philip Yordan’s Man Of The West. Yordan was a prolific Hollywood screenwriter; Man Of The West, which was also published in book form in 1955, was his only novel. Set in 1880’s Wyoming, the story pits protagonist Tom Early against the villainous cattleman Grimsell and his gang of hired guns. As the story progresses, Early reconciles with his estranged son Tom Jr., and wins the heart of Jo. In 1957, Man Of The West was made into the movie Gun Glory, starring Stewart Granger and Rhonda Fleming, and directed by Roy Rowland. There is some controversy as whether Yordan actually wrote Man Of The West. During the McCarthy era, Yordan served as a front for blacklisted writers. Ben Maddow later claimed he had written Man Of The West.
Man Of The West is presented below in essentially its entirety. Teague leaned heavily on Jack Swanson and daughter Linda as models for the illustrations. Material from the Teague archive is also presented. Story text is omitted for a cleaner presentation.