Redbook (1948-51)

Between 1948 and 1951, Teague took on 11 illustration assignments for Redbook.  It is unclear why Teague took on this work with Redbook, but it’s nice that he did.  Redbook at the time had a strong preference for glamour illustration, which gave Teague an opportunity to explore this style.  Looking at his Redbook output, one realizes that Teague could have been a highly successful glamour-style illustrator if he wanted to be. 

A good sample of Teague’s work for Redbook appears below.  Teague made good use of his daughters as models for these illustrations, and a few images from the Teague archive are also presented.  Story text is generally omitted for a cleaner presentation.  I apologize for the quality of some of these scans, which were not performed by me.

To Fail Him Never, Redbook, Nov. 1948, pages 1-2
Concerning A Lady's Honor, Redbook, Apr. 1949
The Little Purse, Redbook, June 1949
Daughter Linda modeling for Little Purse - from the Teague archive
Prelude, Redbook, Aug. 1949, pages 1-2
And Never Forget, Redbook, Oct. 1949, pages 1-2
And Never Forget, Redbook, Oct. 1949, detail
Christmas Gift, Redbook, Dec. 1949
Daughters Linda and Hilary with model - from the Teague archive
Storm Warning, Redbook, June 1950
Shy Surrender, Redbook, Aug. 1950
Daughter Linda with model for Surrender - from the Teague archive
October Letter, Redbook, Oct. 1950